Elenco delle principali serie televisive di anime programmate per l'autunno 2008, in ordine di uscita, secondo il sito moonphase; vengono riportati scheda di anime news network, sito ufficiale, eventuali trailer, opening ed ending. (video introduttivo alla stagione)

[09/06] - Penguin Musume Heart 2nd Club - ペンギン娘♥はぁと 第2部
[09/07] - Battle Spirits Shounen Toppa Bashin - バトルスピリッツ 少年突破バシン

[09/28] - Hakushaku to Yousei - 伯爵と妖精
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/01] - Toradora! - とらドラ!
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/01] - Noramimi2 - のらみみ2(に)
- trailer - opening - ending -

[10/01] - Rosario + Vampire CAPU2 - ロザリオとバンパイア CAPU2
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/01] - Casshern SINS - キャシャーン Sins
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/01] - Hyakko - ヒャッコ
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/02] - Yozakura Shijuusou ~Yozakura Quartet~ - 夜桜四重奏 ~ヨザクラカルテット~
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/02] - Kuro Shitsuji - 黒執事
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/02] - Akane Iro ni Somaru Saka - あかね色に染まる坂
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/02] - Hokuto no Ken Raoh Gaiden: Ten no Haoh - 北斗の拳 ラオウ外伝 天の覇王
- trailer - opening - ending -

[10/02] - Shikabane-hime Aka - 屍姫 赫
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/03] - Tales of the Abyss - テイルズ オブ ジ アビス
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/03] - Tentai Senshi Sunred - 天体戦士サンレッド
- trailer - opening - ending -

[10/03] - Kurogane no Linebarrel - 鉄のラインバレル
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/04] - To Aru Majutsu no Index - とある魔術の禁書目録
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/04] - Shugo Chara! Doki - しゅごキャラ!!どきっ
- trailer - opening - ending -

[10/04] - Kemeko Deluxe! - ケメコデラックス!
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/04] - Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae - 地獄少女 三鼎
- trailer - opening - ending -

[10/04] - Netsusou! Kame 1 Grand Prix - 熱走!亀1グランプリ
- trailer - opening - ending -

[10/04] - Zettai Yareru Girisha Shinwa - 絶対やれるギリシャ神話
- trailer - opening - ending -

[10/04] - Kannagi - かんなぎ
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/05] - Gundam 00 2nd Season - 機動戦士ガンダムOO セカンドシーズン
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/05] - Today in Class 5-2 TV - 今日の5の2
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/05] - ga-rei -zero- - 喰霊 -零-
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/05] - Skip Beat! - スキップ・ビート!
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/05] - Live On CARDLIVER Kakeru - ライブオン CARDLIVER 翔
- trailer - opening - ending -

[10/05] - Macademi Wasshoi! - まかでみ・WAっしょい!
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/05] - Inazuma Eleven - イナズマイレブン
- trailer - opening - ending -

[10/06] - Vampire Knight Guilty - ヴァンパイア騎士 Guilty
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/06] - ef - a tale of melodies - ef - a tale of melodies.
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/06] - Bihada Ichizoku - 美肌一族
- trailer - opening - ending -

[10/07] - One Outs - ワンナウツ
- trailer - opening - ending -

[10/07] - KUROZUKA - 黒塚 -KUROZUKA-
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/07] - Mouryou no Hako - 魍魎の匣
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/08] - Stitch! - スティッチ!
- trailer - opening - ending -

[10/09] - Nodame Cantabile: Paris-hen - のだめカンタービレ 巴里編
- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

- trailer - opening - ending - ep.1 -

[10/09] - Tytania - タイタニア
- trailer - opening - ending -

[10/10] - Tetsudou Musume ~Girls Be Ambitious~ - 鉄道むすめ ~Girls be ambitious~
- trailer - opening - ending -

[10/11] - Junjou Romantica 2 - 純情ロマンチカ2(に)
- trailer - opening - ending -

[10/12] - Negi-bouzu no Asatarou - ねぎぼうずのあさたろう
- trailer - opening - ending -

[10/15] - Michiko to Hachin - ミチコとハッチン
- trailer - opening - ending -
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