HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR- 10 Color Singles audio samples

HIZAKI grace project- Curse of virgo mini album

Kazuyuki Matsumoto- SOLID BEAT II mini album audio samples

EF- The caught sense of values is destroyed

girugamesh- girugamesh

Nagisa Brass Special Band- Braban! Koko Soccer audio samples

Pink GARNET- Star mini album

The Stinkpot- UNIVERSE

Toshie Kusunoki- "Ganso Komason no Jo-oh" Toshie Kusunoki Daizen audio samples

T-SPICE- Tiger Souls

WINK- WINK CD Single Collection - 1988-1996 Single Zenkyoku Shu

woodblue- North Letter
bastard- Tenro
Eiji- Yume yo Arigato
Galactica Phantom- FROM THE NEW GALAXY
ISOLATION- Iryo Shippai
Tuttele uscite (singoli e album) del 26 dicembre(cd japan).
Album e DVD musicali della settimana (oricon).
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