Merry – M.E.R.R.Y. audio samples

NEWS - pacific

A Hundred Birds - Mynah audio samples

Akeboshi - Meet along the way audio samples

D - Neo culture Beyond the world

GOING UNDER GROUND - Oyasumi Monster audio samples

Hiroko Taniyama - Finland wa Doko Desu ka? audio samples

Kana Uemura - Hizashi no Naka de audio samples

Kaori Futenma - Precious audio samples

Nitro Microphone Underground – Special Force audio samples

Noriyuki Makihara - Kanashima wa Nanno Yaku Nimo Tatanai to Omotteita audio samples

Tamaru Yamada - start audio samples
Akino from bless4- Lost in Time
ANATAKIKOU- Yellow Matador
Chicago Poodle- POOTLEG
Hawaiian6 – Rings
lynch.- The Buried
MIX MARKET- Shiawase no Elephant
pygmy with bitter ends- KILL BLUES
savage genius- Sora no Kotoba
SoulJa- Spirits
The Babystars – Life
tobaccojuice- Happy Re-Birthday
v (Neu)- NEvER LAND
Yasushi Nakanishi- Standards2
Yosei Teikoku- Yosei Teikoku Mini Album
Tutte le uscite (singoli e album) del 7 novembre (cd Japan)
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